Sunday, August 17, 2008

Hi you all! :D How have you beeeeeeennnnnn? Heh.
Ask me what have I been up to!
Okay okay let me show you(then again, you may not really care. But who cares? :p)

I HAVE BEEN MUGGING, LIKE REALLY. AND NOT JUST MUGGING, MUGGING BIOLOGY. The text up there is my bio text okay.. If you can see the word "cells".
Not only have I been mugging, I have been mugging with MUGGERS :O Haha. Check out the one up there. Look at his glam mugging post :D It's a way to summon the mugging spirit in you, don't believe try it. Come, lets do it all together now...
Okay lets talk about today nowwww. Today's great :} Yesterday was awesome-r. Cause yesterday we had combined cell meeting at Riverwalk Clarke Quay. It was amazing I tell ya. Presence of God was so tangible, very strong :} Brother Ed preached a very very great message on Knowing God And Walking In His Ways. It was a convicting message. About how we ought to not just know God for His acts, but know Him intimately; know His ways. Do you know God for who He is, or just what He does? (: Then Bro Ed gave an altarcall for the cellgroupleader-wannabes. I RESPONDED, eyes fixed on that dream. That dream to be a cell leader by 18. Say with me, "With God, nothing is impossible". With all my heart, I believe in that (: Yesterday's meeting was just pow-wow. Really. From start to end, ooooooooo. Haha :D Oh yes, God took my rubberband. Haha okay nevermind I just lost it after I fell under the power of God. Responded with hair tied, left with lioness hair. /:
Anyway. Yeah! Today! Today was a day spent out with Mommy Dearest (: We went to IMM, and we went to.........
Half the time, we were examining if this waiter/tress serving us was a waitER or waitRESS :x Well, she looked like a girl, yet he dresses like a guy. And has kind of both a girlish and guyish auraaaaaa. Oh well. Haha I concluded that SHE IS A GIRL. Thereafter, Momma bought me a new mp3. It's hawt, it's cool, it's amazing. It is......
(Okay, this is supposed to be a pic of my mp3, but I accidentally deleted it. Haha and I wanna save the time and trouble of re-uploading it.)
Andand, thenthen, my mom bought me two new tops. I love my mom! I love my God! (:
And then went home bla bla ate bla bla went tuition bla bla, didnt go tuition in the end bla bla ate subway bla bla. And sat by the pool to studyyyyy. I feel flu-ish ):
Okay mugger Gwen blogs here for da day. She's back to her geog. She's 15 mins late. (supposed to study geog at 430am, it's 443am) AHHHHH GOODBYE FOLKS. All the best for all that you need best in! Plenty of love (:

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