All the time, there are people who are special in your life. That make a special, resounding impact on your life. Here's some of mine(for those dears ones whom I didn't mention, you are remembered. I just probably didn't have a picture of you. &I know there's many who falls in this category. I'm sorry) :MY FAMILY!
They know me through and true;
They accept me for who I am..
What can I say?
I love them (:N317!
Which is also, my family (:
&every one of you are special.
All of you had made a difference in my life,
including, of course, those precious ones who aren't in the picture.
But you know you are from this amazing family (:
You people are Gwen's favourite!Minghui!
My motherrrr, my sisterrrr, my leaderrrr, my frienddddd!
:DSeewan Wong.
The Dear One.Ng Poh Feng. Or otherwise, Emly.
Haha you made a world's difference in my life.
Without you, life would be,
); I don't even wanna think about it!Bettie Teo & Santy;
One's my see-my-unglamest-side bestfriend, the other the study bud-cum-dajiejie.
Amazing people of the most beloved God !Sexy Obsessions.
Without you guys, oh my gosh.
Haha school life will be brrrrrrrrr.
Ten times more annoying,
or maybe. A million.
You girls are special!
¬ to forget, the good times we had..
Outside of school!Pastorsssss!
Pastor Kong is. OHMYGOSH. Hot. Cool. Just, the guy of your dreams.
I can just hear Bettie saying,
"Gwen, he's taken"
I know Bettie, I know................... ELLYWELLYYYYYYYYYYYY!
My tell-it-all friend.
3 years plus in church.
3 years plus in n317.
3 years plus Elly's friend.
I tell/text her my frustrating momentssss(hehe)
That's how important she is!
(I just felt like dedicating a special slot to her,
Though, she's part of n317 haha!)
AND OH MAN OH MAN. Not to forget,
My current hottest crazeeeee.
He's one of the hawtest now.
Haha. Better than whoever Jane is fantasizing over.
Most special of all, Jesus.
My Lord. My Friend. My CLOSEST Friend.
The One who has never given up on me.
And saw me through,
when I thought noone did.
Cared for me,
when I thought noone could.
Loved me,
when I was much undeserving.
The Precious One;
Noone. & I say, noone. Can replace.
The Most Beloved One;
Noone. & I say again, noone. Can compare.
More precious than silver, more costly than gold.
It is Jesus, God in human form,
hung onto the cross. For you and for me.
Nailed to that cross. For the redemption of our sins.
By those stripes He suffered, we then can live in liberty.
It's not just, any man.
It is Jesus, hung on that cross.
It is Jesus, condemned and cursed.
For no reason does He deserve what He suffered.
It was that Him in which the bible mentioned -
"for He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him". 2 Cor 5:21
So, I say, we cast all our care upon Him, for He cares for us. 1 Peter 5:7
What say you?
They know me through and true;
They accept me for who I am..
What can I say?
I love them (:N317!
Which is also, my family (:
&every one of you are special.
All of you had made a difference in my life,
including, of course, those precious ones who aren't in the picture.
But you know you are from this amazing family (:
You people are Gwen's favourite!Minghui!
My motherrrr, my sisterrrr, my leaderrrr, my frienddddd!
:DSeewan Wong.
The Dear One.Ng Poh Feng. Or otherwise, Emly.
Haha you made a world's difference in my life.
Without you, life would be,
); I don't even wanna think about it!Bettie Teo & Santy;
One's my see-my-unglamest-side bestfriend, the other the study bud-cum-dajiejie.
Amazing people of the most beloved God !Sexy Obsessions.
Without you guys, oh my gosh.
Haha school life will be brrrrrrrrr.
Ten times more annoying,
or maybe. A million.
You girls are special!
¬ to forget, the good times we had..
Outside of school!Pastorsssss!
Pastor Kong is. OHMYGOSH. Hot. Cool. Just, the guy of your dreams.
I can just hear Bettie saying,
"Gwen, he's taken"
I know Bettie, I know................... ELLYWELLYYYYYYYYYYYY!
My tell-it-all friend.
3 years plus in church.
3 years plus in n317.
3 years plus Elly's friend.
I tell/text her my frustrating momentssss(hehe)
That's how important she is!
(I just felt like dedicating a special slot to her,
Though, she's part of n317 haha!)
AND OH MAN OH MAN. Not to forget,
My current hottest crazeeeee.
He's one of the hawtest now.
Haha. Better than whoever Jane is fantasizing over.
Most special of all, Jesus.
My Lord. My Friend. My CLOSEST Friend.
The One who has never given up on me.
And saw me through,
when I thought noone did.
Cared for me,
when I thought noone could.
Loved me,
when I was much undeserving.
The Precious One;
Noone. & I say, noone. Can replace.
The Most Beloved One;
Noone. & I say again, noone. Can compare.
More precious than silver, more costly than gold.
He's all I ever need.
Have you ever despised the work on the cross?
Have you ever despised the work on the cross?
When you read a verse, or thought about the death of Christ,
have you ever thought
it's merely a man dying on the cross?
It's merely just a work, a deed on the cross?
It's merely just a normal sacrifice?
No, friends. This is not merely just a deed/work.
It's nor merely just a sacrifice and dying to oneself.
It is Jesus, God in human form,
hung onto the cross. For you and for me.
Nailed to that cross. For the redemption of our sins.
By those stripes He suffered, we then can live in liberty.
It's not just, any man.
It is Jesus, hung on that cross.
It is Jesus, condemned and cursed.
For no reason does He deserve what He suffered.
It was that Him in which the bible mentioned -
"for He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him". 2 Cor 5:21
So, I say, we cast all our care upon Him, for He cares for us. 1 Peter 5:7
What say you?
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