Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I want to fly...
I want to go overseas.
I want to travel.
I want to go on a holiday!
I want to step on a foreign land,
& just, let my hair down.
Thing is,
>:/ HOWWWWW!?!

Anyway my mailbox had over 200 emails, so I decided it was time to clear it!
So whilst having my break after making many calls, I went to clear my inbox.
I came across this e-mail Sarah forwarded to me, in year 2007 I think.
Part of it wrote:
"I want a dream from God. I want a God-given dream in my heart, like Joseph did. I don’t want to spend my life pursuing my own dream. To get to the end of 70 years, having given my life to getting my dream, and used God to try and get it, and then realised it wasn’t what He wanted, but He gave it to me because He’s so good, He will actually answer my prayer. If I just lay down my life and say, 'Whatever you want Lord, I’m available.' I want to see the visions of God! Not the visions of (another man)."
This is my heart's cry today, & I pray it forever will be. I want to run this race with a God-given dream, not my own.

I found this photo in my mailbox too! Haha, it was taken in 2006 I think :D
Ugh my hair then ><

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