Saturday, August 8, 2009

A cow for a daughter?

I was really amused when I saw what my dad got for me for dinner! Just for me!
I will bring you guys through my dinner items kay!

Here is everything! :O
It's really A LOT!

Lets see each item, heh.

1) Large Shaker Fries!
2) One WHOLE salted baked chicken (OMG)
Was really nice though :D

3) Sambal tofu + prawns

4) Deep-fried chicken wings
& here's a close-up..

Haha, and my dad bought it all for meeeeeee.
Woah, my dad thinks I'm a cow >:/
NO WONDER MY BIG APPETITE KAY. Trained by him since young. Ha.

As expected, I couldn't finish everything!
Of course I couldn't, Ayton actually thought I could :@

Then my dad, referring to the chicken, said
"I thought you can finish everything!"
:O How can I man, seriously! So much!
He said I sure can if I didn't eat the fries.
No wayyyy mannnnnnnn.

But a confession to make: I told my dad to buy the fries :X
But only the fries!!!

It was a cool dinner. Ate from 11-12plus!

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