Tuesday, October 6, 2009


It was Peter who took a big step of faith to walk on water towards Jesus.
But his faith was shaken, and began to sink.
HOWEVER, Jesus loved Peter, and stretched out His hand and caught him.

It was Peter who first had the revelation that Jesus is the Son of the living God.
But he was too unstable a man for Jesus to rely on.
HOWEVER, Jesus loved Peter, and gave him a destiny to be a great apostle so mightily anointed.

It was Peter whom Jesus revealed to on the Mount of Transfiguration
But he still had unbelief and could not perform miracles like Jesus did.
HOWEVER, Jesus loved Peter, and taught Peter all the same.

It was Peter whom Jesus took the cross for and loved so deeply
But he denied Jesus 3 times
HOWEVER, Jesus loved Peter, and restored him.


It was Peter,
Jesus loved. And always never gave up on.

It was Peter,
Jesus loved. And had the best at heart for...

It was Peter,
Jesus loved. And restored no matter what had happened.

It was Peter,
Jesus loved. And had a great destiny in mind for.

Jesus caused all things to work out for Peter who loved Him.

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