On Saturday, we had our THANKSGIVING GATHERING! :D
Visions for the new year were shared, awards were given out, different ones were appreciated.
That's what I love about thanksgiving. While we acknowledge and thank God for the things that have happened in the past, we don't stop just there, but plan for our future & trust in God to direct us through it all :)
Minghui gave out eight awards this year!
Best Newcomer- Chien Han Sheng
Best Refreshment IC- Tay Hui Wen
Best Evangelist- Jasmine Koo
Best-dressed Award- Jane Koh
Servant's Heart Award- Aaron Low
Most Loud Award- Hu Wei Jie
Punctuality Award- Justine Yeo
Barnabus Award- Gwendolyn Tan
Congrats to all ye award-winners, you guys have done well in 2008!
Let's continue to outdo ourselves in '09!
&even to those who didn't get any award this time round, we all know you've contributed in your small & big ways :)
Let's strive in '09 together!
She's all the eight awards summed up together!
In her hands are the gifts from our cell. Don't underestimate them k.
They're the blood and sweat of all the members, heh :)
We just love our Minghui to bits!
Here's the gift-making process.
The stars we gave Minghui kinda almost travelled to all the ends of Singapore.
Practically everywhere the members go, we'll be folding stars.
Vivo, Clementi, Orchard, Bukit Batok, Bukit Timah, Yew Tee, bla bla bla.
After thanksgiving gathering, Serene Hansheng Jane and I us sisters went Mr Prata!
I felt so sick after Mr Prata.
& true enough, I went home and realized I had a fever of a smashin' 38++ degrees.
My fever lasted through til Sunday night. I'm still feeling a tat sick now. Ugh. Go away sick bugs! Or I'll bring you to Terminator Doctor tonight!
Anyway Sunday was an awesomez servicex with Rev John Bevere. He's so awesome I tell ya. Really. A 40over-year-old guy with the energy and vibe of a young man aged 20 plus 30.
He dresses well, looks great, and most importantly he's a powerful preacher :}
&it lasted til about six plus before I was home on Sunday.
So that was my weekend. It would be more enjoyable if I were less sick ><
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