Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I'm feeling sooooper sooooper soooooooooooper full now.
Really feel as if I'mgonna explode. :(

I ate soooooooooooooooooooper much today!! And it's only 2pm :(

Here's what I have eaten SO FAR:
1) Breadtalk big raisin bread
2) A bag of Ruffles cheeseeeeeeeeeeeee :( yes, the big one.
3) 2 peanut ang ku kuehs.

Me ish verii full worxzxz.


Oh yes, I just cut my hair. Hahahahahaha :/
It's bad. Ugly fringe :( very shorttttt.

I can't face the world anymore!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! cant face the world!? so u finally cut ur hair.